Mostly a matter of ersonal reference ut I'd define a variale in wgen like :to avoid dulicated logic.Then, you can simlify your code y using join instead of having multile rint Related QuestionsWhat causes the generator sli ring caron rushes to heat?If we are taking DC generators the cause is the oor conductivity of caron which as current asses through causes ohmic heating which can e significant esecially at the surface causing sarks etc.nFriction is very very low and not a significant source of heat.nAlthough eole call ortale generators you use to ower your house generators for examle they are not and don't have rushes. Technically they are alternators ut since they "generate" electrical ower the word generator stuck. Since they roduce AC current there is no need for rushes just like alternators in cars. Instead you have the sli rings which same as rushes in DC motors simly heat u as current asses through. What causes the generator sli ring caron rushes to heat?------Why would you have to ground a portable generator when the whole idea is that itu2019s portable?Why would you have to ground a portable generator when the whole idea is that itu2019s portable?If the portable generator includes earth-fault protection (which is mandatory on work sites here) then the generator has to be earthed for sensing purposes.Itu2019s a tricky one. Most portable generators have floating AC windings. There is no earth connection unless and until one end of the windings are actually connected to the earth. Without any connection to earth, the output of the generator is relatively safe from the hazard of earth fault because there is no circuit to earth from the AC windings.Fitting an earth-fault protection relay requires an earth connection, thus increasing the risk that an earth fault can actually happen while hopefully tripping in the event that it does actually happen.Itu2019s a problem of "one size fits all" regulations. Why would you have to ground a portable generator when the whole idea is that itu2019s portable?------How can I plug my portable generator into a wall outlet?You should replace the garage outlet with an inlet, such as this (Amazon, as an example).This way, you can use a standard male-female cord, either a standard extension cord or one made with the correct gauge of SO cord Thanks, @EdBeal. You avoid using a male-male cord which is so dangerous.------kW Rating of emergency generator for sump pumpYou seem to have answered your own question: you need a generator with a minimum running current of 11 amperes and a minimum starting current of 43 amperes. To be safe, I would suggest getting a generator with minimum running/starting ratings of 15/50 amperes. Assuming a 120 volt system, as implied in your question, the corresponding wattage requirements are 1800/6000.------Can I connect a portable generator to a subpanel to backfeed my house?You'll likely end up backfeeding the grid, which can easily lead to linemen being injured or killed. A generator should never be connected to the electrical system without a proper transfer switch being installed------Portable generator with starter solenoid problemThis might be something as simple as a short in the start button on the thin wire to the solenoid.Disconnect the wire on the solenoid,does this disengage the start solenoid if yes the fault is on the thin wire and if not the contacts on the start relay is burned and you need to replace it------Is it possible for my generator to lose its residual magnetism every time it is switched off?I suppose the generator could have some fault the would cause residual magnetism to weaken. I notice from electrical wiring diagrams of portable generators that they donu2019t use battery power to develop the field. Instead, they use a DPE coil that produces a little (7 volts or so) from the residual rotating magnetism. It is rectified and applied back to the field coil, thus amplifying the magnetic field. This greater field allows the stator coils to produce the main A.C. output voltage. If you want a detailed discussion, see Generator FundamentalsAs a guess, suppose the DPE rectifier shorted, allowing AC instead of DC to the field- that might demagnetize the rotor. Is it possible for my generator to lose its residual magnetism every time it is switched off?------Where does a jumper-activated Pegasus Stargate get its power?Space gates have three power nodes that both power the gate and act as stabilizers. You can see one of them in this image from the Stargate wiki. You can see the stabilizing in action in several episodes, notably in "38 minutes" (season 1, episode 4).------Bring portable generator in through automatic transfer switchHow about putting the automatic interlock upstream of the interlocked panel you already have? If that is your main panel you could side-grade it to a sub panel and put a main breaker upstream of the auto-switch------Can a portable generator damage electronics?Some portable generators can produce power that is not the relatively clean sinusoidal alternating current wave that comes from carefully-regulated public utilities. However, many modern electronic devices have power supplies that convert AC to regulated DC and can tolerate a range of voltages from 100 to 250 and frequencies anywhere between 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Those devices are unlikely to be damaged by portable generators. Iu2019ve used portable generators for backup power in my homes for more than 40 years and in my RV for more than six years without any damage to computers, TV sets, DVD players and other electronics.Can a portable generator damage electronics?------Can a propane generator operate in the garage safely?Absolutely not. Never operate a generator indoors or in any enclosed space. Even with the overhead door open, carbon monoxide can accumulate to deadly levels. Every manufacturer of portable generators warns against this including manufacturers of propane generators. When Generac still manufactured portable propane generators, the very first safety guideline listed in the manual was do not operate it indoors.It is not the same as starting a car and then backing out.Portable Generator Safety Rules to Live ByCan a propane generator operate in the garage safely?.------Portable bitfields code generator closedThe generated masks for setting a value are wrong.I would use the following code which generates the correct masks.and just generate this code:I'm sure there's a better way but you can use the preprocessor togenerate the accessors, so no need for your generator at all.------Will a generator work with a portable DJ setup?I do not have direct knowledge of this, but my research indicates that a modern inverter-type generator should produce AC that is more than clean enough for your purposes. Additionally, this type of generator tends to be quieter and more efficient than the alternatives------Why is my emergency generator hard to pull for starting?Could have been a compression problem which got worse because there was no ignition. That's why some chainsaws have a push button on the cylinder-head to relieve pressure in the cylinder, which makes it that much easier to start them. (otherwise with each pull the compression gets worse and therefore the pulling gets a lot more difficult).------How to wire a portable generator to a irrigation pumpYour pump doesn't use neutral. So there's no need or reason to modify anything. Regardless... You would never modify an extension cord like that, because then it'd be dangerous to use anyplace else. If you must violate Code, you can do it more sanely by getting a NEMA 5-20 plug, and jumper it internally neutral to ground with a #12 wire, and just plug it into the generator in an unused 5-20 socket. A 5-20 plug looks like a common 5-15 but with a sideways neutral. The beauty of it is the generator will take it, but few other sockets will------Starting a diesel tractorJust wanted to combine a number of the comments into an answer:Older diesel tractors really didn't have much in the way of electrics for the engine, aside from the starter, and you have already told us the engine turns over nicely so the basic assumption is that the electrics are okay.Also, as zipzit commented, if the smoke came as you touched the cables to the battery, before you actually tried to start the tractor, it is unlikely you did any damage beyond the battery itself.So the most likely cause is simple clogged fuel lines or contaminated fuel from sitting for a long time without being run. So test using starter fluid in the intake, and if it runs that should confirm this diagnosis------How to power an outdoor DJ Set?Generators are noisy (audible) and noisy (electrical).Best bet is some form of battery system that can output a sinusoidal wave (try to avoid square waves!). You could run a solar rig into the battery to keep it topped up.It depends on the amount of gear you want to run - check the watt usage on each item, convert to kVA and find a suitable battery and convertor (e.g. 12v to 240v) to power it all------How dangerous is it to carry oil/gasoil/gas at the back of one's car?When going on long trips or out of the way trips where you know you may not see a gas station for a while, it's worth bringing along extra fuel in a safe and approved container (ie, don't put fuel in a plastic soda bottle and call it a day). However, the safest policy, if you're just going about town, is to keep your eye on the fuel gauge and plan accordingly. Things I always maintain in the back though, are antifreeze/coolant, synthetic engine oil, and hose repair tape.------Are there still Turkmen tribes in modern day Turkey and Azerbaijan?In Turkey, there are still some Turkmen clans with near-original nomadic lifestyle (their ancestors didnu2019t use portable generators and phones etc.) around Taurus mountain chain running in parallel with Mediterranean.Theyu2019re more like an endengered species and because they live on highlands an average person might not see any of them all their life. Theyu2019re very friendly and hospitable people if youu2019re willing to do a long trekking to meet them and their accent of Turkish (probably due to preservation in centuries old solitude) is quite different and melodic.Are there still Turkmen tribes in modern day Turkey and Azerbaijan?------Can I back feed my panel with a lower amp breaker than the service inlet?If you have an interlock it would be legal to run your home off your generator. The only issue I can see would be if two much stuff was turned on it could overload your generator------Free portable Message Sequence Chart GeneratorSumming up my comments above :Use dependency walker to find all the dll's that are necessary for your software.Use a tool like molebox to package everything in one portable executable.Final step: enjoy your Message Seqence Chart Generator everywhere.------hooking up a portable generator to power my houseNO, you CANNOT simply remove the meter and wire to the meter box. This is incredibly dangerous and highly illegal.Also, you are wrong about the cable. You need a neutral.You MUST use a transfer switch or main breaker interlock to accomplish this.------How to fill 90% of the free memory?stress-ng is a workload generator that simulates cpu/mem/io/hdd stress on POSIX systems. This call should do the trick on Linux 3.14, you may use MemAvailable instead to estimate available memory for new processes without swapping:Adapt the /proc/meminfo call with free(1)/vm_stat(1)/etc. if you need it portable.------What are the disadvantages of using generators in developing countries?Disadvantages of Using Portable Generators:Produce High Carbon Monoxide Gas:Portable or temporary generator produce a high level of carbon monoxide when they run. This can be deadly if the gas is inhaled for a longer time, therefore, it is recommended to use generators outdoor away from doors and windows. Even minor exposure may results in severe diseases. Noise:The portable generator produces irritating noise while running.Manually Operated:They have some drawbacks, you need to take it out of storage, carry it outdoors to the appropriate area plug it into your home, and add a fuel source such as propane, which you will need to store nearby.Source: Lifetime Mortgage AdviserWhat are the disadvantages of using generators in developing countries?.------Seeking name of a small natural gas generator that will run in all weatherIMHO all of these 'don't run in the rain' rules mean, "don't let it get wet"So the easy answer is to build a small shed for it, or locate it under sufficient overhang.I have a gas generator with the same proviso -- don't operate in rain. I took a barrel, split it in half verticaly, and the generator wears it like a hat.